
11 variety/origins available

With the addition of a new origin (Costa Rica), and the return of one (Ecuador), that puts the total number of varieties available to a new high for Chocolate Alchemy.  Sure, not as many as available as coffee, but not insignificant either.  The Costa Rican   is from the Umpala region, and has a nice soft elegance to it and is both Fair trade and Organic.  The Ecuador is also Organic (but not Fair trade certified on a technicality as it doesn't come from a co-op)  and has a nice balance of delicate fruit, nut and savoriness. With this many cocoa bean varieties in house, I have started the minor project of updating my cocoa bean info page.  It's long overdue and this gives me the perfect opportunity.  Here's a quick look at the kind of thing that will go in.  "Break" or the color associated with the unroasted beans and how it relates to their varieties, i.e. Forastero, Trinitario or Criollo.




Even more beans

The reviews for the Rio Caribe F1 and Rio Caribe F2 are now up.  In addition, I've added a special Venezuelan Sampler Pack for while these four varieties last.  And lest that not be enough, two more new beans arrived late last week.  A mild, slightly earthy Trinitario from Costa Rica (which is both Fair Trade and Organic from the Upala Coop) and a more earthy, and peppery Ecuador. Those reviews should be up very soon. In addition, all of the new Venezuelan is also available as full bags over in the Wholesale side.  And for any of our northern Canadian friends, those full bags, and other larger production amounts will very soon be available also.  I just about have all the customs and export paperwork in line. Stay tuned.



Venezuelan beans in - including Ocumare

It's been a few years since I have had this particular variety in.  When Venezuelan cocoa became very popular a few years, there suddenly seemed to be more  cocoa from this region being sold than being produced, and some (aside from being down right back) bore a striking resemblance to mediocre Colombian cocoa - I'll let you draw your own conclusions... Suffice it to say, I am thrilled to have, not one, not two, not even three varieties of Venezuelan cocoa in, but FOUR new varieties.  Ocumare, Carenero Superior, Rio Caribe F1 (think BIG plumy red Zinfandel) and Rio Caribe F2 (an 'underfermented' 'raw' bean that is surprisingly good).   They are all coming in today, but I only have the pages complete for the first two - patience please - there is plenty to go around, and I want to do something a little special with the remaining two.

In the mean time, you may see me begin to refer to a term "break".  This is nothing more than the color of the unroasted bean when you crack or 'break' it open.  The lighter that break, the GENERAL trend there is to more Criollo. Forastero is rather dark, often purple or deep brown. A good solid, middle of the road Trinatario (think Dominican Republic or Panama) are a mid to dark brown. A cocoa bean with heavier Criollo in its breeding will be a lighter brown, and real Criollo (especially Porcelano) can be down right pale brown with the finished chocolate looking almost like milk chocolate.  Photos will soon follow....

Stay tuned....



New Winnower style

As most people know, I've been working on a winnower for some time now.  Well, so has someone else, and it is rather exciting.  At least I am excited.  It is a very elegant design.  It's based on the principal of a cyclone dust collector. You can see it in action at Brooklyn Cacao .

Now there is the good news and the bad news (as I see it).  It's not scaled for 'us' - either production or cost wise.  That's the bad news.  It produces up to 70 kg/hour - truly stunning.  And it is approximately $35K.  Yes, that's the price and what I consider the bad news.   And to be fair, it is made out 5 mm pyrex glass, stainless steel and include a great new designed 2 stage crack, plus all the motors and blowers you need. The good news is that I am discussions with the inventor of this patent pending design, and we (I dearly hope) to work out a model that is more approachable to our needs.

And, no, I won't be stopping work on my design.


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Yes, it's been a bit quiet here

But maybe we could consider it the calm before the storm.  It's taken me a bit to get my bearing here in the new locale.  Many of you have commented that I have not put much up new, or talked a lot.  Well, my plan is to change that, and get things moving and shaking here again. So, before that, I have a few quick, but pertinent announcements.

1)  I will be out of town this weekend (April 15-17) so 'weekend' orders will be delayed going out for an extra couple of days.  And likewise, I will not be around to answer e-mails.  But they will all be answered once I am back.

2)  I will be changing my shipping times back 3-4 day turn around times.  Thank you for all your patience.  I've not liked shipping only once a week, but I did what I had to do to keep things going.

3)  As sort of a gentle lead in, or transition, most of you know I lost my life partner to cancer last year. A dear friend is doing a Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society.  I would officially like those of you so inclined, please donate in memory of Penelope, or of course, anyone else that was been affected by cancer.  Her name is Susan Roland, and you can see here page and donate Here.  It may say she has reached her financial goal - it's in error, so if you see that, please do not let that dissuade you from donating.  Anything of course helps, and thank you.

4) New beans - Finally, finally, finally, I will be getting in some Venezuelan -  And not just Ocumare.  If all goes right, there will be a plumy red wine like Rio Caribe, a succulent Carenero Superior and possibly even two others that I am going to keep under wraps right now.

5) Winnower - it is coming along.  I have the beta unit about 1/2 built and hope to test it out within the next month, AND have a new design that I want to try out - but I will keep on the first on until it is done.

6)  Finally, although it isn't plastered all over the site, and honestly, may even be a little hard to tell, I am here to help you succeed.  If you are thinking of going into a small cottage industry chocolate endeavor, and can't quite pull the logistics together, please ask me how I can help (specifics would be helpful).  Do you want/need large amounts of roasted beans, nibs - full pallets of of beans or single bags on a regular basis?  These are variations I can help with.  Just ask. That's it for now

Happy chocolate making everyone.

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A few changes and new items.

It's a day for announcements   Just a lot of things to cover. I'll start off with that we have a new bean in, that we have not had in some time.  The Co-op has really stepped up consistency, so whereas before, this cocoa bean had a good flavor, you had to work a bit for it.  Now, you get nice flavor (soft blackberry, malt and biscuit), it's easy to work with also.  Go check out the new review for the Dominican Republic from Conacado Co-op. I have been wanting to do this next item for some time.  I am venturing into Roasted beans with the assistance of a semi local roaster.   There will be a just a select few for a while, plus a weekly roasting schedule for those that don't want or need 10 lbs.  Just order ahead and they will go out as their week comes around.  And as a small bonus, the  Don Homero that I ran out of a month back or so, will be available until it runs out.  If this goes well, I will cycle all of the cocoa bean stock to roasted availability. I have the next version of the Winnow designed up, and will get parts in the next couple weeks.  After that, it goes to a local shop for beta versions.  A couple months still, but coming up and making progress. And finally, a minor note.  I have reduced (pretty drastically) the Sampler pack prices.  Somehow the prices were a hold over from when beans were more expensive.

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Happy New Year - 2010

The move is now complete, although not finished.  As in there is much unpacking and arranging to do.  Internet and such moved flawlessly.  I should be able to complete all orders this coming weekend and get them out this week. One glitch though is the e-mail is currently one way.  I have been receiving e-mails, but you some of you might have noticed you have not received a reply, which is not normal for me.  Out going e-mail is off line for some reason.  So, be assured, I am getting them, and will answer as soon as I am technically capable.  The new address (which I will propagate around the site) is:

Chocolate Alchemy

3796 Stewart Road

Eugene OR 97402

I hope everyone had a great new year.  Here's to a new year.