If you are not sure what I am referring to, please read this. The short of it is that my partner has had another reoccurance of cancer, and we are all hip deep in doctors, treatment, etc.

Some of you may have noticed a bit of delay in some of your orders.  I have tried to keep up, and not put this announcement up, but I am simply getting behind.  So, here is what I know so far, in regards to how shipping, orders, etc will be affected. Surgery is scheduled the week of March 23 30.  There will be NO orders at all shipped that week.  I will leave the store open, you can place orders, etc, but I will be out of town with no ability to ship, and limited ability to respond to e-mails and problems if they occur.  Previously it was the week of the 23rd, but it was pushed back and I will be shipping. Getting ready for surgery will require me to also not ship new orders next Monday-Wednesday.  You probably WILL see shipping notifications as I process the orders but it is only that.  Getting the order ready.  Nothing will actually ship before then.  All orders  currently in I hope to have out by next Monday on my trip out of town.

I don't yet know what the week of the 30th will hold.  I am not sure what the following week will hold for us here. Please be patient. Ask questions if you have them.  I will do my best, but as before, my family comes first.  I hope you understand.

Thank you.